
A dental crown may be needed to protect a weak tooth (for instance, from decay) from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth, to restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down, to cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't a lot of tooth structure left, to hold a dental bridge in place, to cover misshapened or severely discolored teeth; to cover a dental implant, or to make a cosmetic modification. Before the process of making a crown begins, the dentist will numb the tooth and the gum tissue around the tooth. Next, the tooth receiving the crown is filed down along the chewing surface and sides to make room for the crown. The amount removed depends on the type of crown used (for instance, all-metal crowns are thinner and require less tooth structure removal than all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal ones). If, on the other hand, a large area of the tooth is missing (due to decayor damage), your dentist will use filling material to "build up" the tooth to support the crown.

After reshaping the tooth, we will use a paste or putty to make an impression of the tooth to receive the crown. Impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth to receive the dental crown will also be made to make sure that the crown will not affect your bite.

The impressions are sent to a dental lab where the crown will be manufactured. The crown is usually returned to your dentist's office in two to three weeks. If the crown is made of porcelain, your dentist will also select the shade that most closely matches the color of the neighboring teeth. During this first office visit your dentist will make a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth while thecrown is being made. Temporary crowns usually are made of acrylic and are held in place using a temporary cement.

At the second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and check the fit and color of the permanent crown. If everything is acceptable, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the tooth and the new crown is permanently cemented in place.

Caring for your temporary crown:
Because temporary dental crowns are just that -- a temporary fix until a permanent crown is ready -- we suggest to take a few precautions. These include:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods (for example, chewing gum, caramel), which have the potential of grabbing and pulling off the crown.
  • Minimize use of the side of your mouth with the temporary crown. Shift the bulk of your chewing to the other side of the mouth.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods (such as raw vegetables), which could dislodge or break the crown.
  • Slide flossing material out-rather than lifting out-when cleaning your teeth. Lifting the floss out, as you normally would, might pull off the temporary crown.

What Problems Could Develop With a Dental Crown?

Discomfort or sensitivity.
Your newly crowned tooth may be sensitive immediately after the procedure as the anesthesia begins to wear off. If the tooth that has been crowned still has a nerve in it, you may experience some heat and cold sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend that you brush teeth with toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. Pain or sensitivity that occurs when you bite down usually means that the crown is too high on the tooth. If this is the case, call our office as this can easily be fixed.

Chipped crown.
Crowns made of all porcelain can sometimes chip. If the chip is small, a composite resin can be used to repair the chip with the crown remaining in your mouth. If the chipping is extensive, the crown may need to be replaced.

Loose crown.
Sometimes the cement washes out from under the crown. Not only does this allow the crown to become loose, it allows bacteria to leak in and cause decay to the tooth that remains. If a crown feels loose, please contact our office.

Crown falls off.
Sometimes crowns fall off. Usually this is due to an improper fit, a lack of cement, or a very small amount of tooth structure remaining that the crown can hold on to. If this happens, clean the crown and the front of the tooth. You can replace the crown temporarily using dental adhesive or temporary tooth cement that is sold in stores for this purpose. Contact our office immediately. We will give you specific instructions on how to care for the tooth and crown for the day or so until you can be seen for an evaluation. Your dentist may be able to re-cement the crown in place; if not, a new crown will need to be made.


Veneers are an excellent way to redesign and reshape your entire mouth. Veneers are a very thin ceramic shell that covers your existing tooth structure. In placing these new veneers on your teeth, you are able .to fix the look of issues such as staining, cracked teeth, spaces, misaligned teeth, chipped teeth and many other issues.

In terms of the process to place veneers, it is a process that takes approximately two to three visits. In the first visit, we will discuss the new shape and look of what we are going to accomplish by placing the veneers. Once we have put a plan in place, we will carefully prepare the teeth for the placement of the new veneers. As we complete this piece of the process, the next step is to take an impression of the newly prepared teeth. This impression will be sent to our laboratory for the final product to be fabricated. We only utilize the highest standard laboratory for fabrication of all of our work. This process at the laboratory takes between 2-3 weeks. While the new veneers are being fabricated at the lab, we will provide you with a beautiful temporary solution to wear for this time.

As the veneers are finalized, we will make every effort to make sure that your new veneers will feel just like your natural teeth. We will bond them into place ensuring that you can enjoy your new smile for a very long time!

Care for your dentures​

Your dentures will need to be brushed to remove plaque and food particles before removing your dentures; just as your natural teeth. After you have been removed them they should be placed directly into room temperature water or a denture cleaning solution.

Partial Dentures​

Partial dentures are another option when you still have teeth that are viable. Partial dentures are a removable solution to replace your smile and boost yourself confidence. Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases, which are connected by metal framework.

All dentures take some time to get used to. Some people say that it feels bulky, that they don't have enough room for their tongue, or that the dentures might feel loose. These feelings will affect the way you eat and talk for a while. Over time, the denture will become more comfortable and natural.

​Preventative Care
Emergency Treatments Available


Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth. Existing teeth are utilized to create a "bride" across the missing tooth. Bridges are made from gold, metal, alloys, or porcelain to ensure that they are strong and durable.

The first step begins by creating abutments out of your existing teeth where the bridge will be attached.

The existing teeth are re-contoured to provide a base for the bridge. After the abutments have been created, a mold is taken and sent to a dental lab. The lab uses the mold to create a bridge that will fit properly and feel as close to your natural teeth as possible. The bridge consists of two crowns on either end of your existing teeth, providing a new tooth that replaces your missing tooth.

Secondly, we fit you with a temporary bridge while we wait for the lab to craft your permanent bridge. This will protect the abutments and the exposed gum areas and look more appealing than having a missing tooth.

Finally, when the permanent bridge has been received, you will have a follow up visit to deliver the bridge. It will be placed on the abutments and the dentist will then use an adhesive to make sure that the bridge is set.

The bridge may take a little while to get used to, but should feel like your own within a few days. Soft foods for the 'first few days after having your bridge placed is best; and when comfortable you can eat whatever you want without issues.

If you are missing a tooth you should strongly consider having it replaced. Besides the aesthetic disadvantage of missing a tooth, it could also cause structural changes to your mouth and jaw, as well as making it difficult to eat or speak properly. Set up an appointment today to restore your smile.

Oral Cancer Screening​

Screening for oral cavity cancer may be done during a routine check-up by a dentist or medical doctor. The exam will include looking for lesions, including areas of leukoplakia (an abnormal white patch of cells) and erythroplakia (an abnormal red patch of cells). An abnormal finding is not indicative of a cancer diagnosis; but does warrant further evaluation with a specialist.

Root Canal Therapy (Endodontics)

Endodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the nerves of the teeth. Root canals are probably the most notorious procedure in dentistry and the most common procedure relating to endodontics. When a tooth becomes infected it is usually related to the nerves in the root of the tooth. The infected nerves need to be removed. If left untreated an infection can turn into an abscess, which can become a serious problem that includes bone loss in the jaw. The area around the tooth is numbed with a local anesthetic to start the procedure. The dentist will then drill down into the tooth to create an opening into the canal. They will then be able to remove infected tissue and clean the canal. After the infection has been removed, the space if filled with a sealant called gutta percha. It is highly recommended that a tooth that has undergone a root canal is fitted with a crown. This will improve the appearance of the tooth, and will also make it much more likely that the root canal is successful.

"Root canal" has become a scary term for dental patients to hear, but the benefits of the procedure and advances in dental technology have made it much less "scary". local anesthetics and proper pain medication allow the procedure to be performed with little to no pain in most cases. There may be some soreness following the procedure, but that is normal for most dental procedures. Over the counter painkillers are usually enough to relieve any pain afterwards, but your dentist may prescribe medication. The procedure will also relieve you from pain caused by the infection allowing you to enjoy all the foods you love without any pain from heat, cold, or biting too hard. If you are experiencing pain consult your dentist today.

We genuinely care about our patients.

Complete Dentures​

Dentures are removable false teeth designed to replace missing teeth. Our doctors may recommend complete (full) dentures or partial dentures, depending on how many natural teeth you have lost or may need to be removed. There are two types of full dentures.
• Conventional Full Dentures- This is when all the teeth are removed and the tissue is given time to heal before the dentures are placed. It could take 6-8 weeks for the gum tissue to heal completely, and during this time you will be without teeth. The benefit of
waiting for the gums to heal completely is that your denture will have a tighter fit and fewer adjustments may be required.
• Immediate Full Dentures- Prior to having your teeth removed, we take impressions and have dentures fitted for your mouth. (These steps can take up to 2 months.) Once we receive the finished product your teeth will be removed, and the dentures are
immediately placed in your mouth. The benefit is that you do not have to spend any time without teeth. You will, however, need to have follow-up visits to adjust your dentures because the jaw bo~e will slightly change shape.

Our staff speaks English and Spanish.

Forms & Procedures

Diamond Dental Plan

Optional Payment Plans:

Delaware Maryland Dental is pleased to offer our patients enrollment in the Diamond Dental Discount Plan

What’s included?

  • Comprehensive Oral Evaluation
  • Diagnostic Radiologic Studies
  • Routine Cleaning
  • Preventative Maintenance in 6 months 

Fillings and Restorations​

Dental fillings and restorations are required to restore the function and integrity of missing tooth structure. Tooth structure is lost mostly due to decay or trauma. Restorations are a painless procedure and encompasses many dental aspects. Fillings, bridges, inlays, on lays, veneers, crowns, and implant crowns are restoration examples. Restoring a tooth is completed in two steps, (1) preparing the tooth for placement of restorative material, and (2) placement of restorative material.


Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace missing teeth. They are better than other alternatives like bridges because no additional teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth. The entire implant process is performed over the course of a few months. The initial placement of the implant is completed at the specialist's office. Multiple implants can be placed at once if necessary. After
the implants are placed the gums are sutured. Once healing time has passed, then we may begin on the final restorations.

An abutment on the implant is completed first. The abutment serves as the base for your new tooth. One this is placed an impression of the abutment is taken and is used to create your permanent restoration. Once the restoration is received from the lab, you can return to the office to attach the restoration permanently. Your smile will look just like it used to, and after a short period of getting used to the implant it will feel just like one of your own teeth.

We've been here for more than 12 years.
Competent Dental Professionals
Delaware Maryland ​Dental of Salisbury and Easton

$250/ year (A $400 Value!)

Additional Savings:
We offer the Delaware Maryland Dental guarantee that if a dental treatment (other than indicated above) is necessary during the course of this year we will perform this treatment at a discounted rate. Please discuss this with your Dentist at the time of enrollment for further information.

Tooth Whitening​

Teeth whitening is an excellent way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than your natural color if you would like. Keeping our teeth their whitest is a lot harder than you would think. Daily use of coffee, tea, wine, or smoking can leave your smile looking stained. We offer two types of whitening in our office.

The first is an in house Zoom whitening. This procedure is completed within the office utilizing a gel and light combination that will leave you with a new whiter smile within a few hours. The second is a gel method specified for home use. We take a mold of your teeth to create custom trays that are reusable. Gel is applied to the molds and held in for few minutes daily until you have the smile you want.


Simple extractions are performed on teeth that are visible in the mouth, usually under local anaesthetic, and require only the use of instruments to elevate and/or grasp the visible portion of the tooth Surgical extractions involve the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed, either because they have broken under the gum line or because they have not erupted fully. Frequently, the tooth will be broken up into pieces first before being removed. Depending on the incision and extraction site, sutures may be needed to close the area. Soluble sutures are the best option, which will dissolve on their own Wisdom teeth extractions are a fairly common procedure. Wisdom teeth often cause problems as they are trying to protrude through the gums. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it means the tooth is coming in at an angle and not straight through the gum line. This can cause pain, the tooth can come in
unevenly, or the tooth may only emerge partially. When a wisdom tooth only emerges partially a flap of skin, called an operculum, may form over the tooth. This can make the tooth hard to clean, and pieces of food may be caught under the skin. This makes it easy for an infection, called pericoronitis, to develop. It will usually go away on its own, but it causes swelling and pain in the area. Impacted teeth and wisdom teeth that can potentially cause problems, like infections, need to be removed. Extractions can range from a single tooth, to removing all four wisdom teeth at once. Based on the preference of the doctor and/or the patient, a local anesthetic could be used to numb the areas where the teeth will be extracted. Others will prefer to go under a general anesthetic so that they will be sedated during the procedure; and would need to be referred to an oral surgeon. After the extraction you will need to rest. You can expect for the extraction site to bleed for a little while after the procedure. Gauze will be applied at the completion of the procedure, and you will need to change it when it becomes soaked. If bleeding continues for longer than 24 hours you should call your dentist. Rest when you return home, but do not lie flat. This could prolong the bleeding. Prop your head up on a pillow when lying down. Your dentist will prescribe you pain medication, so if you become sore take as directed. You can also use an ice pack for the pain.

You will be limited to soft foods for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Such as:

  • Gelatin
  • Pudding
  • Yogurt
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Ice Cream
  • Thin Soups

And other foods you can eat without chewing. When drinking, make sure you do not use a straw. The sucking motion can loosen your sutures and slow the clotting process. The same goes for smoking. If you have prolonged pain, bleeding, irritation, or don't feel that the extraction site is healing properly call your dentist for a follow up.